Sunday, 20 December 2009

A Great Week in Breakfast Telly

Had a good week this week.

The show was extremely busy and we had all 7 cameras out and about the studio or behind the scenes for most of it.

We were advised to stay in town on thursday because of the prospect of deep snow at home ( and they were right, as I sit here posting this there's a good foot of snow outside the door !)

But that meant I was free to attend a retirement party for Peter McHugh our top man at GMTV, and I was surrounded by former and present colleagues from 17 years...It was the best do I have been to for a long time, simply just to catch up with all those super people was great.....
Then on Friday after 3 hours sleep we had a mad morning with Westlife and a prerecord for Fluffy Club before embarking on the Camera Dept Christmas Curry and Drinks.
Once again a good time was had by all and we managed to get together and enjoy good food and company.
However all the trains were delayed out of town and I got two very slow ones back, and then upon arrival at Gillingham decided to walk back home 4 1/2 miles in the snow...Up and down Hills I did it in 50 mins ( I think the booze kept me going !)
Now off for a week to prepare or Christmas !

1 comment:

  1. It was cool to spend some time with you 3 today - you are top top people AND... the film is excellent: loved the skateboard touch!
    Thanks too for lunch - very very kind of you!
    have a great week and see you on 1 sleep day if not before!
