Thursday, 15 April 2010

How the Other Half Live C4

This is definitely the programme to watch to lift your spirits and to re-instill the belief that there is good in everyone.

The programme matches a fortunate family with a less fortunate family, who are often in severe financial hardship. I won't spoil it for you but the main observation I have made is that regardless of financial circumstance children from all walks of life posess a spark and that shines through, and which with a little luck, or good fortune will help mould them into fine adults in the future....

Working at the start of my career in television in the mid eighties, I was sound recordist for a BBC2 programme called First Sight and then Friday Report. These programmes also looked at the social issues of the time, many of which don't seem to have differed, and I often wonder what happened to the children's lives we showed back then.

Check out the Channel 4 link below to this week's episode, the last of the series is next week.


  1. Kids will always bond, whatever their circumstances so this programme doesn't tell us anything new there. Meanwhile, there's nothing remotely altruistic about wealthy folk going on TV to "do good" for those less well off people. True goodness doesn't require a TV audience. The "rich" families doing this on TV are morally repugnant.

  2. Hmm.perhaps you have a point, but surely for someone to be willing to do this is good enough ?
    I dont think they are all after the 5 mins of fame, and even if they are, then surely the fact that someone is going to benefit is just cause in itself. And dont forget all those people who anonymously donate to less well off people / good causes all the time, we dont hear about those.
