Thursday, 17 June 2010


Here's one to Ponder and set a parallel to ....

Many years ago I asked a colleague who was a reporter and who I'd spent the evening in the Pub with, What he thought it was all know, the bigger picture.

Well he came straight out with the following......

Visualise yourself in the world, as a small piece of a jigsaw, part of the complete picture all the same, but still a very small insignificant piece......

But without that Piece the bigger picture isnt complete, it has gaps and you can't tell exactly what it is.

Which just goes to show how we all have a part to play in the grand scheme of things, we all have equal needs, desires,hopes,attributes, talents as if they were the bits that lock it all together and beleive me , when they do you can stand back and see how great it all is....
(or should that be there is someone else out there looking back at how marvellous it all is.......)

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