Got a Perfect Friend ?
Someone who no matter how long or short a time passes between seeing them, they welcome and chat to you like the last time you met was yesterday. They still trust and value your friendship and think of you with kindness.
Someone who is prepared to listen to you, not to judge you, to give you advice from the heart. and yet to respect your feelings..
I hope ( I am sure ) I can slip into both these camps in different relationships I have with other people, some of whom I don't see as often as I would like, but who I still think of nonetheless.
Being a friend is all these things and many others to people we love and care for.
I popped this picture of Snoopy on the Blog, as it ties in quite nicely my thoughts on friendship and also the fact that as Governor at Rainham Girls School I went along to see a little production of Snoopy the Musical they put on last night. It was good fun and the girls put a lot of hard work into it, rehearsing, behind the scenes, and performing on the night...I think they were a good bunch of friends to put the show on ! Well Done.
I think for some it is hard to do something so basic as be a good friend. When I read yr blog, I thought of all the people I can't help but like who are my really good friends and then also of some who the friendship has not endured because of neurotic problems. I am glad to hear that you have good friends, and why ever not! x